Historical Perspectives of East Asian Geopolitics
Special Issue of West Bohemian Historical Review
Call for Papers
The refereed (SCOPUS) journal West Bohemian Historical Review (WBHR), edited and published by the Department of Historical Sciences (Faculty of Arts, University of West Bohemia) in collaboration with the Center of Japanese Studies, is issuing a call for papers for its special edition „Historical Perspectives of East Asian Geopolitics.“
We are accepting papers and reviews concerning the history of international relations and geopolitics in East Asia. The goal of the special issue is to provide an opportunity for a multidisciplinary approach of historical, political, and social sciences. Submitted articles will be sent to two reviewers in accordance with the journal ethics: http://wbhr.cz/index.php/publication-ethics
Contact: info@japanese-centre.com
Deadline for submission: May 31, 2023
Submission guidelines:
Papers and reviews should be submitted in MS Word formats
Each paper should contain information about the authors: name of the author(s), academic title or position, institution, e-mail address
Submitted papers should not exceed 10 000 words
Submitted reviews should not exceed 1500 words
We accept submissions in English, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, and Russian
Each article should contain abstract and keywords
About West Bohemian Historical Review
West Bohemian Historical Review (WBHR) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in cooperation with the Department of History of the University in Hamburg. The journal focuses on the publication of studies of world history. The periodical is open to contributions from historians with any specialization or methodological focus. The journal’s aim is to pose questions for wider international collaboration of communities of history professionals and to try to initiate interdisciplinary dialogue.
Since August 2019, the journal has been included in the prestigious European database of scientific journals SCOPUS.
Journals metrics:
About the Center of Japanese Studies
The Center of Japanese Studies was established in 2018 as a scientific and educational institution at the Department of Historical Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of West Bohemia. Its goal is to promote the study of Japanese history and culture in the Czech Republic. Its primary focus is the research of Early Modern and Modern Japanese Periods. In its field of study, it is a unique institution in the Czech Republic cooperating with domestic and foreign universities and other scientific and governmental establishments.